An Employees Journey
May 05, 2022Gary Miller, Sales
KeHE is truly a remarkable company. I don’t know of any other company that will pay for their employees to share and participate with the KeHE Cares outreach partners, whether that be in Laredo, Nepal, Burma, Guatemala, or Honduras, just to name a few.
I truly believe, that if you want to know the heart and soul of this company, we call KeHE, you need to see and work alongside one of our outreach partners. Then you can begin to comprehend the magnitude and enormity of the heart of KeHE. Start with a trip to Laredo, it has changed my life and vision.
God has been so good to me. I am blessed with a wonderful wife, grandkids, and a great job. I also live in one of the most beautiful places in Montana. I have running water, indoor toilet, (yes even in Montana) several pair of shoes, plenty of clothes, warm bed, health care, etc. I often fall into the comforts of my life and forget the blessings I am bestowed. The trips I have gone on bring me to a point of gratitude and able to see my many blessings bringing me to humility and thankfulness.
Working alongside and observing these selfless people that form these organizations that make their life purpose to serve the less fortunate. It always amazes me at the love being poured out through New Vision Community Church, Laredo, New Vision Guatemala, and Mission Lazarus in Honduras.
On a trip to Laredo, we went to check out a family that was living in a FEMA trailer that several KeHE teams had restored over the summer months. There were 6 of us, grandma was cooking dinner, and watching the kids while Dad was at work. Mom was out of the picture. They were extremely poor and may not have known where their next meal was coming from, but, yet, grandma insisted that we eat with them. Reluctantly we did, and, of course it was delicious, and Grandma was so pleased to bless us with that meal. Afterwards, I asked myself, if I were in her shoes, would I offer a meal to 5 complete strangers who happened to show up on my doorstep at suppertime? Or would wait for them to leave without offering them a meal? I still ask myself that today.
I have seen parents grateful to be watching their children eating a good hot meal. Meals that you may have helped package at a KeHE tabletop or food show. I have seen children ecstatic over getting donated toys, books, candy, clothes, shoes, flip flops that may or may not fit them. Stuff my grandkids would turn their nose up at. Items perhaps you have donated.
I have seen people that seem to have nothing, yet are not only content with it, but are willing to share with others. Each trip I go on I have the pretense I will be serving the less fortunate, however, I return each time seeing how I was served and blessed. So, these trips have humbled and grounded me, given me a new perspective on life and have shown me how rich I truly am. Go on a trip, see who you work for, and be richer in return.
“We serve to make lives better”
I know when I am serving, I am doing what I was created to do and happier for doing it.